August 24th, 2020



[Network Post]

[To everyone who attended Thor & Jane's wedding on Genosha]
I wanted to extend my thanks - I couldn't have succeeded without everyone's help. I can never be thankful enough.

I owe you a debt that can never be repaid - your assistance was vital. I cannot thank you enough. We are both doing as well as can be - I am sure Loki would love to hear from you. Don't let him fool you - he is worn out and in need of more downtime, but, well, I am sure he'll tell you otherwise.

[Thor & Jane]
Thank you both for letting me use your wedding as a cover. We will have to have a feast when you return - I am forever thankful.



public post

Echoing my wife's announcement, I too wish to extend my gratitude those who aided Valkyrie and helped free me from that prison. Thankfully, I am doing much better at this juncture. It was a truly and deeply distressing experience, and I am not yet able to bring myself to speak of it for overly long. I will say the collars are incredibly painful when activated, and that island is far worse than any dungeon that I know of.

It is rare that I offer apologies, but I deeply regret the circumstances as of late. It was not my intention do ill, nor to lure young Peter into trouble nor any further danger. I do hope the trespass shall be forgiven, and I will strive not to get caught again to do better in the future.

Private Filters to Asgardians/Jane, Wanda, and Peter Parker )



[Network Post]

[Team Science]
The comprehensive battery of tests that I have been running conclusively indicate that Bucky and I are also both under the influence of whatever has reverted Steve to his pre-serum state.

We haven't been able to determine the cause yet, but my money's on something in Genosha based on the timing.

[Separate Filter to Christine Only]
A decade ago, I would be celebrating this. All I wanted for the longest time was to get rid of the Other Guy. Now that it's happened, I feel oddly empty.

[All Wedding Guests (minus the bride & groom)] (added later)
If you all don't mind, please stop by the lab when you have five minutes so I can get a blood sample for testing.