Oct. 31st, 2009


Spirits Day Thread

Who: Basim, open to all (feel free to NPC children in costumes!)
When: Sunset on Spirits Day
Where: The Jasmine Dragon Teashop (and all over the city)
What: Bass is serving Spirit Tea to tired parents while costumed children run door to door for treats
Bass had worked for years to make the Jasmine Dragon the spot for weary parents to come )

Oct. 25th, 2009


Narrative, for now

Who: Kozu, Basim, NPC's
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Grassy area
What: Ko is teaching a group of children, and it is not going well.
Kozu knew he had annoyed Master Sato, but he thought the punishment was a bit extreme for the crime. )
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Sep. 27th, 2009


Who: Sakari and OTA
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The City Center
What: Painting and maybe some talking to strangers

She might not have been an earthbender )
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Sep. 17th, 2009


Who: Basim, OTA (Multiple people are welcome to join in)
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The Jasmine Dragon
What: Bass is setting up shop... again.
That did not mean all was right in Basim's world )

Sep. 11th, 2009


Event: Earthquake

Who: OTA
When: Thrusday, midnight
Where: All over the city
What: Earthquake!
Warnings & Notes: Event info here
Shake, rattle and roll )

Aug. 30th, 2009


Who: Azah and OPEN to anyone downtown
What: Azah pauses from shopping to look over a Fall Festival bulletin
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Downtown Awatan Sathit
Rating & Notes: PG

An attempt at small talk )
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Aug. 29th, 2009


Those girls from Ba Sing Se

Who: Basim, OTA
When: Saturday morning
Where: The Jasmine Dragon
What: Bass is serving tea
They kiss so sweet that you've really got to meet... )
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