New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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[23 Jan 2015|07:00pm]
Typing this from Evangeline's journal because I'm at work and I... forgot the password to the mod journal. OOPS.

Okay, so! I told Sands that we were moving this back a week - I haven't forgotten about it, and now that people are back from 1925 we're ready to go!

Monday is going to kick off Career Week at New Avalon Academy. Each student is going to be paired up with an adult to "shadow" for the week, going to work with them, shadowing their superheroing perhaps (which I'm sure is controversial), and otherwise just follow them around.

This is an opt-in event, and while Evangeline will post something IC about signing up, this is the place to do it OOC!

Please fill out the following form if you'd like your character(s) involved! We'd like to have an even ratio of students to adults, and we'd prefer to have students paired up with people who are not teachers at NAA (but other faculty is OK!). If we get more adults than students, we may not be able to use all of the adults (but will make sure all of the players are involved). If you have an idea of who you'd like to be paired up with and have plot plans already, let me know below. :)

Signups are effective until Sunday, January 25 at 9PM, and I'll post the list of adult/student pairs after that. :)

♥ kait

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