New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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activity check, december 2014. [02 Jan 2015|12:05am]
It's time again for Activity Check! Just as a reminder, the activity rules for December only were the following:
» 1 log.


» 3 network conversations, texts or emails, all meeting the 5 comment per character minimum.

Sometimes we have a special log theme for the month! Logs using the special theme will count for two pieces of activity if they are completed or reached 20 comments instead of 10.

Narratives and gifts that don't result in conversations in the post don't count. The activity requirements are specifically to foster interaction between characters. We certainly want you to write narratives for the fun of it, but they don't count as official activity.

If the need comes up, being on hiatus will get you out of activity check for one consecutive month. If you know you're going to be too busy to play for longer than that, then we need to reconsider whether New Avalon is the right game for you.

Characters apped on or after the 20th will only be required to have 2 net conversations, and on or after the 27th they're exempt completely.

Any character or player who doesn't check in will be removed. Barring extraordinary circumstances, you can return after a missed Activity Check once, and only once, with a single character. Missing it twice will result in being banned. Checking in shows us that you still have interest in the game in general, and failure to check in will result in removal if the mods aren't contacted ahead of time.

Also, we strongly encourage players to track their activity over the course of the month instead of gathering it all on the last day. In this and other games we've run, we've noticed that activity check-related panic is often the result of confusion or ambiguity at not knowing your own activity status in the game. Recently Kait's made an ACTIVITY TEMPLATE (which both mods use) that anyone is free to use. To put it into your own GDocs, just go to File » Make A Copy..., and it'll make a copy of the document for you. The GDoc will also make it ten times easier to show us your activity if you're in the market to re-apply for a lost character.

Keeping track of your activity as you go -- even if you only do it once a week or once every couple weeks or when you feel you need it -- will save you the stress of wondering whether or not you made activity by the end of the month.

We're also still offering the option of a "pass" for this month, assuming anyone asking for the slack wasn't on hiatus or didn't get the pass in November. With Carla and Nea having left, I don't think we have anyone here who doesn't qualify to ask for it, if they want to, but we won't be offering any slack on activity in January, and will ask that anyone who asks for this leeway in December have all current characters pass in January before we consider a new character from them.

Activity Check will run from Friday, January 2nd to Thursday, January 8th, ending at midnight EST. All activity must be from December 1st to December 31st. Fill out the form below, toss it into a comment, and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes, or until edges are browning. You can also link us to a copy of your Activity Template on GDocs instead if you have it set up; just make sure that the doc is set to allow anyone with a link to view it.

New/Dropped Characters [02 Jan 2015|04:19pm]
New Character:
Eric Jeffries / Hardware [info]hardwear (Bear)

Dropped Character:
Michael Muse / Medic [info]metamedic (Bear)

[02 Jan 2015|08:12pm]
Hiya and Happy New Year!

Bear here! So, you might have noticed I dropped Mike Muse. He just wasn't working out. D:

But hot on his heels is my new character, Eric Jeffries! Eric is a charming young genius specializing in advanced non-lethal weaponry and defense technology. He was an MIT superstar before moving to Silicon Valley and making a bundle when Google bought out his company. He grew up in New Avalon and visited frequently while he was in school, and he's been back in the neighborhood for the past two years, so he's someone most people would at least know of, even if they're not close. He's also been a fairly public figure, thanks to his hero career, his former relationship with an Avenger (Aleks Rasputin - which ended in a very public marriage proposal and an equally public rejection), and his success as an inventor. He was a West Coast Avenger from 2011-2013 and he's been a Sentry since moving back.

He likely has tons of friends floating around the community! And exes, he has plenty of those too. He's also likely close to most of the pre-District X Avengers since he dated one of them for so long. Come for the plotting, stay for the fun! Check out his profile for more details. :D :D :D

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