Friday, November 12th, 2010

YU HA MIN [78].

× 78 Yu Ha-min + 1 banner.
» Meet Yu Ha-min, a 22-year-old South Korean ulzzang (which as far as I can tell means "professional internet prettyboy camwhore"... ... ... well, okay, fine, it actually means "best face"/"good-looking") and model. He accordingly suffers from a pretty serious case of model-face, but hey, it's a pretty damn interesting facial structure, at least. Also, he is HOLY FUCKING SKINNY, man.

I'm not too happy with this batch overall (for some of the icons it's because I couldn't figure out a good way to work with the colouring of the original images, or to overcome the oversharpness that resulted from resizing) because I feel it's kind of bland and rushed, but eh, what can you do. I know I could spend hours tweaking each and every one of them and never be happy.

Thanks go to fuckyeahyuhamin for helping me find the vast majority of these images.
» Credit is nice, but I don't care that much so long as you don't claim these as your own :D Comments are also loved!
» Feel free to use as bases.

in the sea of competition sunk like a treasure. )
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