Slashing Stargate Atlantis
.::: .::... .:::::. .: ::: ..:::: .:..
Fic: Not So Different, Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney

Chapter Title: Not So Different
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo
Pairing: Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Xover fic, purely cracksmut foursome. SGA/Torchwood
Summary: "Wait. You're telling me you have a pterodactyl living in your base?"
A/N: I said it's total cracksmut and it is. ;) Short little piece to distract [info]lilithilien one day. Just because....the four of them would be so pretty ;) Posted for BBtP, sharing here.

Not So Different

Current Music: DW OST on repeat

No worries!

Damn, I wish I had a picture of them in one big puppy pile. Very hot.