Asylum Promotion
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This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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April 2024
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Four months have now passed since that dreadful day at Hogwarts. The Day Harry Potter was killed. Lord Voldemort's defeat of Harry Potter sparked a new, darker age in the Wizarding World. Death Eaters have begin to build their empire on the back of those they deem lesser than themselves, and slowly but surely they have begun to control their world from the inside out. Soon they will move on from the UK, eyes on other prizes and other muggles for use in their sport and their enslavement programs.

All is not lost however. The Order of the Phoenix that was once scattered, divided and leaderless has begun to rise up against the Death Eaters, plotting and rebuilding their network a little bit at a time. They desire not power, but defeat of the Dark Lord and everything that he has begun to build. All they desire is freedom.


[info]obliviaterpg is a post-war game beginning a month after the final battle at Hogwarts. We will be exploring life in a post-war world where Voldemort has seemingly won.

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