October 13th, 2009

[info]mystiri_1 in [info]areyougame

A Touch of Strange - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/Sephiroth, NC-17

Title: A Touch of Strange
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: NC-17
Word count: approx 12,000 for both parts
Warnings: mad scientists, male/male sex, wing!kink and plotting.
Prompt: July 20 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/winged!Sephiroth: wing kink - exploration
Summary: Sephiroth had a tendency to make Lazard change his plans...
Author's Note: Yes, I know this prompt is back up for this round, but I figured I'd be honest - it's a really late fic, not an early one. I injured my hand the week it was due, which will teach me to not have my fics written in advance. Then when the amnesty period came, it just kept getting longer. But here it is, anyway.

There were perks and compensations for working for ShinRa that went far beyond the high pay rate, luxury apartment and executive facilities. )

Part Two

[info]mystiri_1 in [info]areyougame

A Touch of Strange pt 2 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/Sephiroth, NC-17

Title: A Touch of Strange - Part Two
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: NC-17
Word count: approx 12,000 for both parts
Warnings: mad scientists, male/male sex, wing!kink and plotting.
Prompt: July 20 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/winged!Sephiroth: wing kink - exploration
Summary: Sephiroth had a tendency to make Lazard change his plans...

Part One found here.

It was well after five when Lazard looked up from his paperwork and frowned. )

[info]freakyhobbins in [info]areyougame

FFVII Cloud/Tifa : Shadows and Lace (NC-17)

Title: Shadows and Lace
Author: [info]freakyhobbins
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: sex
Word count: 3105
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa: AU, Cloud as vampire - Pyschic sex?
Summary: Cloud takes a trip back home.
A/N: Prompt was due 10/05/09, sincere and many apologies for being late! I hope it's enjoyable, at least!

Let's hope it doesn't suck...*badda-bum-bum* )

November 2010



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