July 22nd, 2009

[info]beccastareyes in [info]areyougame

The Weight of Secrets, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Link/Sheik)

Title: The Weight of Secrets
Author/Artist: Becca Stareyes
Rating: G
Warnings: Implying a character is transgender/genderqueer. Ocarina of Time spoilers, but it's not like Smash Bros. didn't drive that one into the ground.
Word count: 3200
Prompt: Link/Sheik: confessions - "well, my mother really wanted a girl, you see"
Summary: After the creature in the Kakariko Well, breaks out, Sheik spends longer than intended with Link. And, with conversations turning to things other than business, Sheik starts to feel regret.
A/N: A slightly AU take on a scene in the Ocarina of Time game, featuring the creature in the well busting out. Decidedly divergent from manga canon. Further notes at the end.

The townsfolk were already starting to organize a bucket chain from the Zora River to put out the fires.  )

[info]faicinn_rocais in [info]areyougame

[FFVII: Sephiroth/Cloud], [FFVII: Zack/Cloud], [FFVII: Vincent], [FFVII: Rufus/Reno]

Overall A/N: These would have been posted on their correct dates, but a good friend of mine passed away after an illness they'd been fighting turned terminal. Sorry the titles aren't in the Subject line; they wouldn't all fit. The next two will be posted on time.

Title: Hunting
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: Deviousness on all involved except an oblivious Zack
Word count: 266
Prompt: -July 6--- Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud: predatory behaviour – The way that he was so nervous just made it worse
A/N: Had trouble figuring out a plot, not too happy with it, but it's better than the other drafts. Hope you enjoy.

...the General smiled as he left his office... )

Title: Voyeuristic Intentions
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: kissing?
Word count: 247
Prompt: -July 13--Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Cloud: chocobos – “Zack! I think they’re watching us!”
A/N: Chocobo names are from Ciceqi's 'verses. Go read them if you haven't. If you're interested, the rough draft, which is completely different, will be posted in my journal.

...Zack’s hands roamed lower... )

Title: Misplaced Assassin
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: language
Word count: 416
Prompt: - July 15 --Final Fantasy VII, Vincent: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Should he check? What if he...no...he should really check
A/N: inspired by the writings of Staci-Diane603 and their story Set Me Up In Slow Motion Playback....it's a very amusing read. A lovely piece of satire if you like that kinda thing.

...Not that the crew would have gone running in fear or anything... )

Title: Just Another Day
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: coarse language, drinking, rough/forceful foreplay
Word count: 496
Prompt: -July 20--- Final Fantasy VII, Rufus/Reno: better than it should be - I hate everything about you; Why do I love you?
A/N: Based loosely on the world created by kremesch in The Dance of the Macabre. A very good read if you haven't read it yet. Title is from an Aunt Ange song from the album "Apathia".

...he enjoyed cooking a little too much if someone were to ask him... )

November 2010



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