Dec. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey guys,

Hurt my back again so probably going to be down for the next few days. I'll try to tag stuff but sitting up hurts.



Dec. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hi, it's me Liannis with my second character - Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. If you don't know the game, she's spent her life locked in a tower in a cloud city and being studied for her rare ability to interact with alternate realities through 'tears'. Her father Comstock considers himself a prophet, and all the people love him. She's brave and nowhere as naive as she used to be. Stubborn too. She'll be so relieved to be away from anyone who knows her though, so that's good.

Dec. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

So, I *was* going to catch up on tags and do posts today because it's quiet at work.

However, Headquarters is here all day -- right across from the hall from my cubicle -- so I have to be very careful with what is seen on my screen.

Hopefully, the three day headache I have been fighting eases up enough so I can PLAY when I get home from work this evening.

(So very cross-posted)

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Hey, I'm Lauren :)

I'm bringing in Clarke Griffin from The 100. She's doesn't trust easily, but she is capable of letting people in if she deems them worthy. She's a medic for the delinquents. She is kind, caring, and willing to do whatever is necessary for those she loves. I'm up for friendship and whatever else. :)



[No Subject]

So, hi I'm Misha. I've been here since the game opened, but...I've sort of been sitting on my characters. Okay, I admit it. I've been sitting on them. Work was hectic in November because one of my coworkers left and we got a new person in, which is always an upset with kids, and especially with special needs kids. But we adore our new person and I think it's a change in the right direction.

Then I went to Nashville over my Thanksgiving break, and bam, November slipped away. I considered dropping the game entirely, but I have decided to stick it out. I've just got Kopus here who is a clean slate, and Avery Barkley who comes with his seven month old daughter Cadence, and his MV backstory. I haven't played either of them in any capacity, so...I'm going to start now :)

Thank you Alex, for being willing to work with me and give me a chance. After I get these two sorted I may consider apping Sheppard :)

In any case, Kopus and Avery are here and ready to play! I will put up posts for them both this evening.

Nov. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Hi! I'm done with Nano. Not because I finished but because it was terrible. Anyway, now that I have free more free time, I want to see how I do points-wise. I will be off work Wed-Thursday so plot things are great. :)


xposting so you may see more than once

Nov. 22nd, 2015




So, I need help, please.

I've been down and out most of this month with back pain and am way behind on activity. I need help getting my people to their activity before the activity check. My people are Here -- including Marley who isn't on the table yet -- and I would appreciate logs or networks for them all. I know we have the option of using a hiatus pass for one piece of activity, but I'm trying not to do that unless I really have to.

Thank you!



[No Subject]

Hey guys!

Just a heads up, life has gotten crazy for me and the minute. And, I'm having to reevluate. And, I can't currently dedicate as much time to this game as I'd like. So, I'm afraid I'm dropping it for now. I hope to come back in the new year once things have settled down for me.

(With Aria Montgomery, Damon Salvatore, The Doctor (10), Killian Jones, Leo Fitz, Marcel Gerard, Marius Pontmercy, Oliver Queen and Robin Hood)

Nov. 20th, 2015



All the stuff!

Hello lovelies!

First, I'm sorry that I've all but disappeared these past few weeks. Work has been crazy and it's left me with little brainpower. It's starting to calm down now though and I'm hoping it stays that way.

It's the weekend and I want all the things! If you'd like to do anything with my cast let me know!


[cross-posted to everywhere.]

Nov. 15th, 2015



Good and bad

Good news and bad news.

Good: With the signing of some last bit of paperwork, I will be the newest Senior Writer for Steam Funk Productions, LLC. (YAY!!) While this will start as volunteer (boo...) it has the potential to open many more doors for me as an author/writer. (<--- a very good thing) I feel as if I've stepped up to the next plateau. (<--- possible delusion brought on by a lack of caffeine)

Bad: The expectations that will be placed upon me as a Senior Writer will be 8-9000 words per week. (Holy almost NaNo levels, Batman!) Coupled with my jewelry business, (Etsy. Shards of Bifrost. Geek wear galore!), my own two series (, bitches!), a novel on the back burner and side work of data entry (which actually pays me where the rest doesn't) I'm going to be a busy little monkey. I'm trimming down my RP to accommodate, and not make people wonder "where is this twat, and why is she allowed to sit on characters?!".

My CDJ...CJD...whatever it's ~the_drau. I don't post a lot there, but sometimes I remember to log in and check my friends list. Email is always a good way to stay in contact with me, and (unfortunately) I can be found on Facebook.

Wish me luck! <3


this message will be cross posted AF through the blatant use of copy/paste...see previous comment about lack of caffeine

Nov. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Okay, party people, I want to play. You're gonna see this crossposted all over, because I want all the things.

These are my lovely people, give me plots, nets, scenes and PLAY WITH ME!

Nov. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Jess again.

This is Gillian Owens from the movie Practical Magic. She'll have been around in town for three years now and runs Garden of Eve (a makeup and specialty store). You'll find a number of interesting concoctions there that she specializes in, as well as any herbs and other things that might be needed for spells. She's a witch, misses her sister, aunts and nieces terribly but has adjusted to being around as best she can.

She's open for any and all plots!

Nov. 11th, 2015


[No Subject]

Oops sorry for the lack of mod stuff and tags. Havne't had time to touch a computer in just over two days. Dies.

I'm going to get everything done ASAP though.

Nov. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

I went to the doctor again today about my back and I get to go back to work on Thursday if the pain has lessened enough. He also has me on 10k of Vitamin D a day because my D levels were in the low single digits. Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with me and my way slow tagging due to pain levels.

I'm trying to get caught up but if anyone wants to start new stuff it would be lots of help for me since I still have a foggy brain and all of my starters sound the same in my head.


Nov. 7th, 2015



[No Subject]


I'm new here, though I recognize a few people from other games. I'm Mike. I have just one character.. which is easy to amend since I can often be enabled to bring in more lol. I have a full muse list here if there's any on that list others might wish to see here. My pups are always open for plot and interaction. :)

Kinda pondering the Terminator fandom, either Sarah or John, or maybe even the liquid metal Weaver character. Or Tommy from the new Heroes, but I'd like to keep watching the show so I can choose a good canon point. But anyway, now for the intro. This guy is Kwai Chang Caine from Kung Fu: The Legend Continues [grandson of the same named character in the original series]. Was head priest of a temple where he taught his young son, unfortunately a rogue priest once exiled came back and destroyed it [as well as being a crimelord mob leader later on], both father and son thought the other perished - the kid was adopted by a cop and became one himself, while Caine wandered the earth helping people, til they reunited after 15 years, and they fought crime and baddies together, some of which were from their past [honestly, the temple was almost like Hogwarts as there had been occasional attacks upon it lol]. More details in his app here. There's also videos if any might wish to view some [series intros, episode scenes, promos, fanvid, etc].

He works at the vet clinic. He's listed as having been present for a couple months, so he's mostly accustomed to the place now, plus he could probably start teaching kung fu lessons to others in his spare time if the need arose. Though anyone who's read karate style magazines might notice his arm brands as something a temple priest would have [or to any of Chinese backgrounds that'd be familiar with that culture and history stuff. He's certainly more used to using the computer and card now, especially when he rarely used much technology in the series. Lol. And kind of a long shot, any links where I can get more icons of him is greatly appreciated but otherwise I'll keep looking til more turn up somewhere.

- Mike / AIM - shoot the wings

[No Subject]

available guardians )

Nov. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

So who is this person finally intro'ing her chars? That would be your modly one, Alex.

Besides Jenny ([info]jennsmithsonian) who you will have all met or at least gotten an intro too upon arriving ;p I have

Samantha Petrelli aka [info]sammipetrelli) OC twin daughter of Kathryn Janeway & Nathan Petrelli (Star Trek: Voyager/Heroes). Kathryn and Nathan met in New York in 2012-2013 and quickly formed a friendship and relationship. The two of them were dating when they ended up here. About a year later (we know I can't do maths) Samantha & Serena were born. They've lived here their entire lives. Kathryn and Nathan are still in the town but aren't going to be actively played you will hear mention of them. Kathryn is a scientist and I will need to confirm this but I imagine Nathan is a lawyer

Peggy Carter aka [info]peggyc coming in from the end of s1 of Agent Carter. She's kick arse. she's awesome and I adore her to pieces. She's bee in Area for three years and works as the Martial Arts instructor at Summit.

Minerva McGonagall aka [info]minerva is coming from the beginning of her fifth year at Hogwarts so she's only 15. She's sassy, she's stubborn and incredibly intelligent. She has a bit of a wild streak though but that won't be seen often. She's the daughter of a Presbeterayn Minister & a Witch. She's also the oldest and only daughter of the three children her parents had.

Finally is this spunk. Luke Skywalker. Star Wars, coming from the end of A New Hope and with a brief game history where he ended up in New York, met and befriended Christine Chapel and taughter her how to use a lightsaber among other things.

[No Subject]

So a few modly stuff.

1. You guys are freaking amazing.

2. Tags. I've had a few people ask about character tags. It comes down to... I forget to make them when I add people so I go back and back-tag posts with new characters. One day I'll remember to do them when I add people.

3. Gaurdians. I went to add Minerva and had her listed as living with a gaurdian. SO. Comment here if your characters are happy to be gaurdians to characters. I can also handwave and assign NPC ones there's enough NPC's in town that it is possible

4. I need help with school ages. I just want to confirm that up to the age of 10 you are in Elementary, 11-14 is Middle and 15-18 High right...? If you fall in those ages you have to attend school. College is optional. If you are a school student and you aren't listed as a student on the jobs page let me know please?

5. Wanted Page. This will happen. I promise.

6. Besides Liannis and I, are any of you doing NaNo this year?

Nov. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]


Who wants to plot with me? Regina and I are in desperate need of RP binging so everyone feel free to throw characters at us.



[No Subject]

So I brought in my second charie! I've been trying to put this off,but you just can't ignore a time lord,let alone the Doctor. I haven't played this 12 before,but i've had him bothering me since the begining of the season so...please be patient with me?

He'll be coming in towards the recent episode,maybe 9x05/9x06 bc I don't agree with the new two parter.

Plot is love,plot is life