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Anything Goes: The Anonymous Request Drabble Comm.

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Drabble offer [Aug. 16th, 2007|01:11 pm]


I'll play :D

Fandoms: Empire Records, all three CSIs, Without a Trace, Bones, Cold Case, Harry Potter, NCIS (haven't seen from about mid season 3 onwards), The Professionals, LotR (my book canon is very rusty so I might not remember people not in the movies), Criminal Minds

(I'm sure there are others I'm missing. I don't know anime but anything else it might be worth asking about. It's early morning for me and I haven't had coffee yet - and I'm already bored, bodes well for the rest of the day)

Three Things I Won't Write: Graphic het, non-con, underage (under 16 for me)

Other Notes: I write drabbles (100 words) and things I call 'wee fic' which are anything under 500 words, tell me which you'd prefer (if you have a preference)
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