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The Primeval Fan Asylum


November 24th, 2008

"Angels who wait for us to pause" by Aithine, Nick/Stephen

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Angels who wait for us to pause by Aithine

Primeval, Nick/Stephen, past Nick/Helen, all ages, ~1,000 words

"Eight years of anniversaries."

Written for spoons1899 in the 2008 fall [info]primevalathon

November 19th, 2008

Three points for a win by Aithine (Nick/Stephen)

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Three points for a win by Aithine

Primeval, Nick/Stephen (the rest of the team, too), all ages, ~1,800 words

"He knew he had no reason to be this possessive of Stephen, but logic never seemed to stop him when he felt this strongly."

Written for [info]moonlettuce in the 2008 fall [info]primevalathon

March 31st, 2008

The Waterfall, Nick/Stephen, 18

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Title The Waterfall
Characters Nick/Stephen
Fandom Primeval
Rating 18
Summary Stephen enjoys a waterfall and then Nick enjoys Stephen.
Series Nick/Stephen/Helen
Prompt #30 Open Air

The Waterfall )

March 27th, 2008

FIC - The Photograph, Nick/Stephen, 18

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Title The Photograph
Fandom Primeval
Characters Nick/Stephen
Rating 18
Summary Nick finds a photograph and wonders what it means.
A/N Thanks to Elfin for the beta and Lucas for the bunny. She sent me this and told me to write : Nick picked up the journal from its shelf and as he did so a picture slipped out and drifted to the ground. He bent down to retrieve it and could not help but laugh softly as he realized it was a snapshot someone had taken from the time the Dodos came through the spaghetti junction anomaly.

The Photograph )
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