InsaneJournal Announcements

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InsaneJournal Announcements

Because as I'm understanding it....

Because as I'm understanding it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the invite code is to get in, and the paid account is if you're already in.

I have a couple of free accounts, and for various reasons haven't gone with a paid one(s) yet. Personally I'd want a free account at first to feel my way around, and then go from there. If I want to stay, fine, I've spent $5 to get acquainted. I spend around that getting my weekly latte. If I don't want to stay, then IJ still has my $5 for equipment and upgrades, and maybe a box of aspirin for Squeaky, who has to deal with all the craziness :).

For me, I would rather start at the bottom (free account) and go up, than on the second rung (paid account) and go down (to free account). But that's just me.

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