InsaneJournal Announcements

10 Years!!!!

InsaneJournal Announcements

10 Years!!!!

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So we did it, today marks 10 years since InsaneJournal first came online! I wanted to do this anniversary with much more fanfare surrounding it, but time was just not on our side.

Please use this post to talk about your favorite InsaneJournal memories over the last 10 years.

To celebrate, and thank you for keeping us around for 10 years, we are lowering the cost of Self-Committed[paid] accounts just for today.

The prices are now set as

1 Month - $2
6 Month - $5
12 Month - $10

These prices will only be in affect until about 10am (EDT) Monday. So get them while you can!!!

Thank you again for all of your support. Keep an eye out for the Black Friday sale coming up on November 25th

And for something I think is kinda cool, the first post ever to InsaneJournal
  • I will add that a certain part of the U.S. was hit by a bad snowstorm last weekend and a lot of people have been without electricity and heat let alone internet access. Some are still without and therefore would not have had the opportunity or notice to take advantage of this limited time offer.

    On a sidenote: Will there ever be an upgrade to the private messaging system in the near future? I don't know if the character limit here is the same as at LJ, but I can say from experience that it can be inconvenient not to have a way of viewing sent messages except for in the body of the message, which is included in the character limit.
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