InsaneJournal Announcements

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InsaneJournal Announcements

Just here to say I really, really dislike the way this was done. No notice, immediately setting journals to deleted, only two weeks to fix things? It's not courteous, not professional, and I really expected better.

And for those of you in the comments?
• Yes, when I post something I do expect it to be around forever. That's why this is a journalling site with a working archive.
• It's not just about my content. I read more than I post, always, and there are things on IJ that I'm very fond of but didn't make myself. No notice means I can't even save them if they get purged.
• Two weeks isn't actually all that long. It's quite possible to be without internet for that long, for any number of reasons, and having no notice about this means that things can get deleted that no one wants to be.
• Usernames: not the be-all and end-all of the world. Seriously.
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