InsaneJournal Announcements

1 month paid accounts

InsaneJournal Announcements

1 month paid accounts

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We are now offering the ability to purchase paid accounts for just 1 month. The cost for a 1 month paid account is $5. This product is being offered due to the overwhelming number of requests for this.
  • coolness! I'll snag one for my icon community, thank you Squeaky :D
  • great, thanks! :)
  • Thanks for offering such a flexible range of products!
  • Woo hoo! :D
  • omg this is awesome. THANK YOU!
  • any word on the slowness of the site that's been going on for months? i'm not going to pay for something when it's not consistent in running correctly.
  • im brand new to IJ and this is a life saver, especially for my wallet!!!
  • I'm hoping you offer Insane Userpics again. I'm getting my income tax money in soonish and I'll have the cash to splurge for it!
    • Hold onto it, we are planning on doing some sort of a "tax sale" soon. As soon as we have decided on the particulars, we will post something to the [info]announcements asylum.
  • that is cool but a lot of people have said they arent buying more paid accounts until the comment rot problem is fixed. have you tried looking at the clusters or maybe seeing if it's the server the journal is located on doing it? because it happens to some and not others. you could try isolating the problem based on location.
    • It's absolutely a load problem, and one database is more loaded than the other, so I can narrow it down to that. I just haven't found the line of code that is doing it.
      • i appreciate all you are doing to try to fix it. my only problem with the situation is ive wasted money on paid accounts for journals it ends up happening to and it makes me scared to buy it for any more until i know i wont be throwing the money away on a faulty journal i am going to want to stop updating in. i wouldnt mind so much if paid time could be transfered from a bad account to a good one, but when you put in a support request it never gets answered and your six month paid time account runs out. this has happened to me about three times now, so as excited as i am for a "tax sale" and a way to get paid accounts cheaper, i don't think i'll be participating in it except for renames until i know i'm safe spending $15-30 away per journal. it would be nice to be able to stay at a journal and get to enjoy the full paid account time without seeing the last months waste away.
        • There are no "bad journals" and "good journals." There are only journals it hasn't rotted on yet.
  • also is there a way you can take the ex_username459 accounts that have purged or usernames that are purged in general off the list of accounts to your email?
    • log onto it and change the email
      • good idea, unless its purged and you cant... and it would be useless to have an email full of nothing but purged accounts.
        • thats true. i've never had a purged account stay in my list though :[
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