InsaneJournal Announcements

The official new siteschemes poll

InsaneJournal Announcements

The official new siteschemes poll

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The new siteschemes are officially moving out of beta, and with it we are going to change the default look of the site to one of these great new themes. Please decide which theme you think should greet new users and visitors of the site and vote today. Voting will be open for 1 week.

I want to send out my gratitude to [info]branchandroot and the entire [info]ij_siteschemes volunteer crew! You guys have done an AMAZING job!!!

Poll #2017 Siteschemes
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Which of these siteschemes would you prefer to be the default?

View Answers

Dramatic - Dropdown
95 (11.1%)

Dramatic - Sidebar
149 (17.5%)

Worksafe - Dropdown
163 (19.1%)

Worksafe - Sidebar
446 (52.3%)

Also we have uploaded a new alternate sitescheme, it is a black and white theme (sans-tweak and tweak-says for those that don't like him). It is called Monodramatic, it, too, is available in dropdown and sidebar options.

You can select any of the available siteschemes at
  • Damn, I really wanted to try the Monodramatic dropdown option, but I'll have to go back to the Worksafe dropdown, as the 'dropdowns' on the Monodramatic appear to have dark lettering on a dark grey background, and I can't actually read them. (The headings - View, Journal, Account, etc, are white on black, but the dropdowns from those is what's unreadable.) (Using Opera on Windows XP, by the way)

    Also, is there any way of setting the font size on entries when they have comments? I've remarked on it on an earlier thread, but thought it wise to put it here as well.

    What happens is that a post, even under a cut-tag, WITHOUT comments, is in the basic (I think Verdana) font, at a readable size, about 10 point. As soon as it receives comments, it goes down to about 8 point (maybe 7?), which is almost unreadable sometimes. However, the comments themselves stay in 10 point! This happens both in Opera on the PC, and when I use the MacBook in Firefox.

    • Incidentally, the colour problem on Monodramatic happens in the Sidebar version, too. I tried that just now, and thought it would be OK as initially the sub-menu things came up on white - and then they changed to the same dark ?blue? on the dark grey, unreadable. Running the cursor over them does change them to black or dark grey on white, but you can't see what's where.
    • Correction...

      Sorry, correction to that - on the MacBook/Firefox, the post font stays the same, but the comments go into a small size.
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