InsaneJournal Announcements

The official new siteschemes poll

InsaneJournal Announcements

The official new siteschemes poll

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The new siteschemes are officially moving out of beta, and with it we are going to change the default look of the site to one of these great new themes. Please decide which theme you think should greet new users and visitors of the site and vote today. Voting will be open for 1 week.

I want to send out my gratitude to [info]branchandroot and the entire [info]ij_siteschemes volunteer crew! You guys have done an AMAZING job!!!

Poll #2017 Siteschemes
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Which of these siteschemes would you prefer to be the default?

View Answers

Dramatic - Dropdown
95 (11.1%)

Dramatic - Sidebar
149 (17.5%)

Worksafe - Dropdown
163 (19.1%)

Worksafe - Sidebar
446 (52.3%)

Also we have uploaded a new alternate sitescheme, it is a black and white theme (sans-tweak and tweak-says for those that don't like him). It is called Monodramatic, it, too, is available in dropdown and sidebar options.

You can select any of the available siteschemes at
  • i tried messing with my settings, too. it is unfortunate because those layouts are as close to greatestjournal/the livejournal layout i have and it's just so much easier to manage, however the font size makes it so obnoxious.

    and i just realized i had that problem too!
    • I agree, they're very user-friendly as well. I'm a constant middle-clicker, so that poses a problem with drop-down-based styles. I just don't like feeling like I'm on the library computer, which seems to be set to accommodate the nearly-blind.

      Isn't it funny? I thought it was but I'm just not a fan of so much orange so I switched back.
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