InsaneJournal Announcements

Sale Over

InsaneJournal Announcements

Sale Over

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Just wanted to let everyone know that the $30 price for Permanently Insane accounts is officially over. The price for all other accounts and add-ons, remains the same.
  • I wanted to make you aware that there is a rumor floating around LiveJournal that InsaneJournal is somehow affiliated with/owned by SixApart. I'd love to be able to quash that rumor by pointing people toward a statement from you. I've linked to your comment about IJ having nothing to do with LJ, but I'm not sure that this will be enough for some people who are actively trying to figure out where to move their fandom journals in the wake of the most recent account suspensions.

    If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you please state for the record that IJ and SA are not affiliated if this is, as I assume based on your earlier statement, true? I'd really appreciate it because I'm doing my best to promote IJ as a more fandom-friendly alternative to GJ.
    • No we are not affiliated.
      • Thank you. :D That's what I thought! I'll spread the word.
      • Your site absolutely rocks, and thank you for responding so quickly. I am looking forward to spending the $1200 I spent at LJ last year here, supporting your site.

        You guys are fantastic.
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