InsaneJournal Announcements

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InsaneJournal Announcements

Thanks for the welcome!

Squeaky, you've got a great site here, and I think I'll be one of the migrants. Your very clear welcoming statement and sensible TOS are definite bonuses! I also really like that you seem to be using a very recent build of the LJ code, so all the features I love about LJ are here.

One thing that does worry me a bit is the low sale price of permanent accounts. Quite honestly, I'd rather buy an annual account so I can help your ongoing revenue stream for the purchase of servers and bandwidth. I'm less likely to remember to donate every year!

Honestly, if fandom comes here to you, I think you'll need an ongoing source of cash to buy those things we want - reliability, speed, capacity, and you'll probably need help running the site as it grows, so that means paid help.

I deliberately haven't bought a permanent account just yet so I can talk with you about this. If you're going with only free and permanent accounts, I'll try and set up a reminder system for myself so that I can give you money each year.

Let me know? And thanks again!
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