InsaneJournal Announcements

May 5th, 2008

InsaneJournal Announcements


May 5th, 2008


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Here is what happened. When I set up the new databases I made a mistake in the way the database files were laid out. This, combined with the rate we are moving accounts to the new database caused the database servers to get out of sync.

The site protects itself when it gets out of sync by not displaying the out of sync data, hence the "Database not available" error messages you were getting trying to post comments. This was also why you weren't seeing new posts when you visited your journal or your friends' page.

So what I had to do was shut off the site and fixed the problem with the database that was causing it to run slow. Since the database is so large, it took a long time to do this. Now that it is back up I am migrating the final batch of accounts. This is causing the site to run slow right now.
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