InsaneJournal Announcements

May 4th, 2008

InsaneJournal Announcements


May 4th, 2008

Moving accounts

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I am in the process of moving accounts to the new database. Some accounts are currently stuck in read only mode. I will resolve this asap.

While your account is moving it gets locked into read only mode so nothing gets lost. Some accounts failed to move so they are still locked. I am going to resolve the reason they are stuck in read only mode and get them moved asap.

Edit: The problem wasn't locking, but one of the new database servers was running slow, I switched to the other and we are doing fine. I have 35k accounts scheduled to move right now. Also moving to the new databases will (hopefully) alleviate the comment rot problem. (For your DB types we are moving for a MyISAM engine to an InnoDB engine). The code handles InnoDB a little differently so hopefully stuff will get committed a littler more regularly.

Edit2: I found an issue with the configuration on the new databases that was causing all the issues with moving journals. This has been resolved. I will have everything out of read only mode soon.

Edit3: If you are still having issues with a journal in readonly mode, please post the username here and I will fix it.

Edit4: Your userpics are still there. They userpic server is just running a little slow due to the migration of accounts. You may want to hold off on uploading userpics until the migration has been completed. I will post once it is.
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