InsaneJournal Announcements

May 1st, 2008

InsaneJournal Announcements


May 1st, 2008

Possible missing icons

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I have starting moving some of the data to the new servers, and it appears that some userpics may have gotten lost in this process. If you have any userpics that are consistently showing up as a broken image (i.e. a refresh doesn't help), then you will need to delete and re-upload them.

I assure everyone that once the move is completed then we will no longer run into issues such as this. The issue occurred because we were using an old and buggy version of the userpic storage system that wasn't properly backing up the userpics. I have upgraded that system and it is running off the new servers so this will not happen again.

I deeply apologize for this issue and once agian assure you that it wont happen again.

Also please be aware that there may be some downtime over the weekend while I move the site. Please bookmark our twitter as I will keep a status update of any downtime posted there. I will also post a notice here giving everyone at least a few hours of notice before any actual downtime.
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