InsaneJournal Announcements

April 14th, 2008

InsaneJournal Announcements


April 14th, 2008

Site Fundraiser

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I had mentioned in my previous post about a site fundraiser. We have decided to go forward with this. I was planning on offering vgifts and extra userpics for paid users, but was unable to get the code finished in time. Don't worry though, those items are coming as soon as I can get them ready.

So you know the reason we are running this fundraiser is to handle the costs of moving the site to a hosting provider that will better suit our needs. Our current web host recently charged us an overage charge that managed to double our single month costs for running InsaneJournal. We need to move ASAP to keep this from happening agian in the future.

We are going to be running this sale until we can raise the costs needed to cover setup and canceling the contracts with our current provider on two of our servers.

Please don't see this as a sign that the site is running out of money because we are not, we just don't want to drain our reserves for the cost of moving the site.

Now for how you can help. We are starting off by offering Permanently Insane accounts from $60 and InsaneUserpics (5000) userpic slots for $175. You can purchase these items by going to the InsaneJournal Store.

If you want to help out a friend and help the site at the same time, here is a way to find out which of your friends have or don't have paid accounts

Once we can get the site moved and stable I can start concentrating on squashing bugs again. Please don't feel that I have forgotten about your issues because I haven't. I have just been consumed by running the business side of the business as well as keeping the site up and available all that I can.
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