InsaneJournal Announcements

November 2nd, 2007

InsaneJournal Announcements


November 2nd, 2007

Insane Userpics

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I am announcing a new limited time item. We are selling "Insane Userpics" for $100. This comes with 5,000 userpic slots. This is only available to users with Permanently Insane accounts. It is a one time only fee and will be active for as long as you have an account with InsaneJournal.

Edit: I forgot to mention, if you have already purchased "Permanent Extra Userpics", then you will automatically get a $10 discount when you add the "Insane Userpics" item, to your shopping cart.

Head over to the InsaneJournal Payment Center and upgrade today. We will only be offering this unique item for a couple of weeks.

Edit2: Apparently I accidentally lowered the price of Permanently Insane accounts back to 30 for a period of time today. If you managed to get one while the price was at $30 consider it a short lived pre "Black Friday" sale .. oh .. and keep an eye on IJ for "Black Friday"
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