InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Summer Sale Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Summer Sale Update

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Thank you all so much for supporting InsaneJournal, I hope you have found value in our summer sale. We will continue the sale through Sunday July 7th.
  • I want to second this.

    Additionally, many of the users on this site are paying customers. As a person who runs a website, I find it very hard to believe that advertising and Patreon aren't easily paying for the servers, hosting, and minimal upkeep on IJ.

    All that to say, we're very literally paying you, Squeaky. Despite this, I have seen very little evidence from my interactions with you that you're willing to go even slightly out of your way to help us out. Support requests lay unanswered for months or even years, responses of any kind/on any platform are usually slow, and they are often vague or unhelpful, and the site has seen next to no updates in a decade. All of which is frustrating. However, your seeming lack of urgency and utter lack of communication regarding a serious threat to our privacy moves past frustrating to alarming.

    I know you have a life and a job outside of this site and don't want to downplay that. However, the fact remains that as I said, we are paying you to do a job and doing our best to support you. Unfortunately, our user experience and security do not seem to be things on which you place a premium. That's a problem.

    Perhaps it is time to consider adding to the administrative team so that these sorts of things can be dealt with more speed and communication in the future.
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