InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

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Hey everyone, I haven't given an update to the state of the site in quite some time.

Based on feedback we have decided against moving our content to a Cloud Provider at this time. We are going to continue to maintain our own physical servers in a leased rack in a datacenter for the foreseeable future.

We will be looking to have a fundraiser to replace our existing and aging hardware at some point in the fall, with hopes of getting new servers by the new year.

Really not much else to announce, I look forward to your comments and will answer any site related questions in them.
  • This is something we always look into. However we are very careful to not remove any content that is still accessible. We are looking into a way to identify asylums that either have no content or have content that is no longer accessible to any active users.

    We think that the history of the content here is more important than generating $5 rename tokens, however we also want to free up names that are tied up that nobody can use.
    • will you be using a similar method for unused journals? say, for example, ones created > 104 weeks ago with no entries?
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