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InsaneJournal Announcements

As others have said, my main problems with the idea would be around the ideas of "copyright infringement" (whose intellectual property rules are we using here? I'm in Australia, and our copyright laws don't allow fair use - which means I have to host the majority of my fanfic in the USA, in order to be able to get that "fair use" legal protection). There's also questions of whose definitions of things like "child pornography", "bestiality" and "non-consensual sexual acts" we're talking about here.

Further to this: the internet is international. Which means you have users on this site who aren't based in the USA, and who aren't familiar with US law, or US standards of what constitutes "offensive" or "illegal" (eg: my fanfic counts as "illegal" under Australian law, but it's legal under US law).

I think, in order to be comfortable with such a move, I'd need to be seeing a much more detailed list of what counts as "offensive", which legal system(s) they're using to determine what is "illegal", and whose laws on consent, child pornography, obscenity, defamation and so on they were using to make judgement calls on what counted for those. The terms and conditions as posted above are just too vague, and really don't give enough information to make a clear judgement call one way or the other.
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