InsaneJournal Announcements

Hurricane Irma Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Hurricane Irma Update

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Based on the current path of the storm and the current state of affairs, we are not anticipating any significant issues with the site. While power outages are still a possibility, the thought of data loss is now gone. The area the site is in, is no longer in any risk of flooding and the wind risk is minimal.

Thank you all so much for your words of support. Now we just need to figure out when we can go back home.
  • Good news! Thank you. Don't be in too much of a hurry. I just read that even Harvey survivors are urged to wear bacteria-protecting masks and to watch out for alligators when they go back home. :/
  • Glad things turned out ok for the site. Lets hope the same for your home situation after the Hurricane.
  • Glad to hear that the situation has changed for slightly better! I hope that everything else ends up ok for people who are returning home. These storms are brutal.
  • Be safe down there!
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