InsaneJournal Announcements

Eclipse Day Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Eclipse Day Sale

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Since this day comes so rarely, we decided to do a single one day Permanently Insane Account sale. Today only these accounts are for sale for only $35. This sale will be gone as quickly as the total eclipse, so hurry!

EDIT: And like the eclipse, this sale is now gone. Thanks for the support everyone!
  • this isn't related to the sale, but will we ever be able to get back the lost asylum entries and comments? it says they're still there but when i log in and click on the community, it's not there. and i have several like this!
    • did you lose this stuff after the blackout earlier this year? you probably just need to remove yourself and add yourself back to the community to fix it - but obviously make sure you make another one of your journals a maintainer before you do so so you can give yourself access again with your original journal.
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