InsaneJournal Announcements

1 Month on Patreon

InsaneJournal Announcements

1 Month on Patreon

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So our first full month on Patreon was quite successful. While we didn't hit our first goal yet, we got really close. So in celebration of getting close, I've removed ads from all profile pages for the entire month. If you guys like how the site is without them, help us reach our first goal and we'll remove all the ads each month we reach the goal.
  • Hey squeaky. The payment center still has the Permanent Extra Userpics option to be purchased, but they are not actually purchasable because Permanent Insane Accounts are not on the list. ;_; I got tricked into thinking I could buy them! Will there be a sale soon?
    • They are purchasable, you just have to already have a permanent account so there are lots of people who have a perm already but do not have the extra userpics on it who can purchase them. You can get a permanent account right now through the patreon link, you will just have to wait for the 1st of the month to be charged for it and then for them to send you the code to activate the perm acct.
      • Yeah, but they are way more expensive on the patreon. I'll wait until they are on sale. :(
        • I think $50 is the normal price but it's not like the Black Friday price, which is generally when I get them because I don't like to pay that much either so I don't blame you.
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