InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Stability Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Stability Update

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Just to keep everyone abreast of the stability of the site, here are the recent statistics of site uptime.

Over the past week we are seeing 99.6% availability with an average response time of 3.32 seconds.

Over the past 30 days the availability number goes down to 98.78% which is primarily due to a lengthy outage on Feb 28th (that particular day our availability number was 71%).

Last month when we posted these our 7 day numbers were significantly better with 100% availability and response down to 2.83 seconds, tough our 30 numbers are slightly improved from 97.32% and 3.5 seconds.

Please be aware that we are doing what we can to make this better all the time.

FYI these numbers are pulled from a 3rd party monitoring site not affiliated with InsaneJournal.
  • Hi Squeaky & team -- I am still experiencing significant delay in notifications; some of mine come on time, some don't come for as much as 14-15 hours. Is this a widespread problem? I haven't heard from anybody else I speak to regularly that this is happening for them.
  • you april fooling mofo omg
  • Yeah that's hilarious except it's making the site really hard to use :/
  • InsaneBook? LOL
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