InsaneJournal Announcements

Inactive account purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Inactive account purge

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We have kicked off the next phase of the purge. We are currently running a process that is identifying accounts that are still idle. And setting them to deleted status. We are giving these accounts a 3 week grace (as opposed to our standard 2 week grace) to log in and set themselves back to active before they are purged.

In addition we have created a separate email queue for the purge notifications so standard notifications don't get backed up behind them. It will take several days to send the purge notifications which is why we are granting the additional week of grace period. This means that the actual purge will commence on March 31st.

In addition, effective immediately through the end of April, we are going to put Permanently Insane accounts on sale for the regular price of $50 (our price last year was heavily discounted). This is the same cost as just 2 years of Self-Committed access and will ensure that your account is preserved permanently. This will be the final time you can get Permanently Insane accounts until our holiday sale at the end of the year.
  • (Anonymous)
    What happens if you upgrade from an account already self-committed to a permanently insane one?
    • You can open a support request requesting that time be transferred to another account.
  • Perm Account - my e-mail that I thought was part of the new status upgrade isn't working: urian[at]insanejournal[dot]com
  • Thanks for not only bringing back the Perma-accounts, but giving giving us ample time to claim back our deleted accounts and get a perma-account. :)
  • I'm not getting notifications again :/
  • As long as we have the check in the mail before the end of the sale will you honor it Squeaky?
  • Seconding the no notifications.
  • (Anonymous)
    First of all, thank you for all you are doing for the site. It has to be hard work. Second: notifications are not working today, not just for a few but for multiple people. This includes g-mail e-mail addresses. Some people's notifications never started working again, after the recent purge issue backed them up.

    Will this be fixed?
    • The issues with notifications are resolved. They are flowing back out right now.
  • first of all, thank you so very much for everything you do. you have been amazing. secondly, and much to my dismay, i'm still having issues with notifications. :( there are some from early this morning (around eight a.m.) that i still haven't gotten and others from a few hours ago and even minutes ago that are still lagging behind. i'm getting a couple random, intermittent ones here and there, but certainly not all the ones i'm supposed to. eek.
  • Squeaky, I left you a comment on your earlier post about this. I put in a support ticket which you responded to not even really addressing my issue. Now my journals have been deleted and I still cannot login in to them. I've put lots of money in to this site. Those journals were registered to me. :( The passwords have not been changed. The password emails I get, I put in the password and I still cannot login to them. I'd like to undelete them and put them to active use.
    • I answered all the recent support requests on this topic this morning. Let me know if you have any more issues.
  • (Anonymous)
    are all of the journals that have been identified as inactive set to deleted or is the entire process going to take a few days? thanks for all your hard work.
    • At this point they have all been set to deleted, however we are still attempting to deliver email notifications.
  • So I got a notification for a few of my account, but when I tried to log into them it would not let me. How do I fix that?

  • (Anonymous)
    i'm still bummed that i bought a username token back in november, never received it, and i never got my money back. i could have just used a token for a different account, but you guys never got back to me :(
    • Do you have an or. Support request in the accounts category?
  • Wow, I'm impressed that accounts that have actual content in them were included in the purge.
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