Anime & Manga - 8th December 2009

Phaeton posting in Anime & Manga
User: [info]anime_manga (posted by [info]dancing_serpent)
Date: 2009-12-08 00:15
Subject: Welcome to Anime Manga!
Security: Public
Tags:mod post: rules, mod post: welcome

This is a community dedicated to all things anime/manga. Fanart, fanfiction, doujinshi, graphics, cosplay photos, general discussion, news, questions or live reports - it's all welcome here. We are multi-fandom here, not restricted to one or a few specific series/shows.

Our interests don't show your fandom? Feel free to pm me at [info]dancing_serpent and I will add it. As long as we still have room, that is.

Yaoi/yuri (or slash/femslash) are very much welcome. Honestly, I can't imagine my anime/manga life without those.


- Please use headers and warnings when posting.
- Please member-lock all media downloads. (Raws, subs, music, doujinshi, etc.) Downloads which aren't locked will be removed.
- Please tag your entries. Select from the tags list after posting, to avoid creating duplicate tags.
- Please put the following under lj-cut: huge/multiple images, long text and any series spoilers.
- Please be civil to other community members. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Of course you are welcome to re-post your older fanworks and/or entries from other journaling sites here as well. Post directly to the community or link to other places, it's totally up to you and your preferences.

If you have any suggestions, questions or problems, feel free to contact [info]dancing_serpent.

Headers, text templates, tags and more )

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