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Naughty Drabble: Length [Sep. 2nd, 2007|10:28 pm]

[Current Mood | naughty]

How Big Is It, Anyway? )
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Dirty Drabbles Prompt #1: length [Sep. 2nd, 2007|11:24 pm]
[Current Location |Off to bed]
[Current Mood | cheeky]

Well here I am with my first ever drabble. How you enable me.

TITLE: Size Matters
AUTHOR: </a></strong></a>[info]mistletoe54
PROMPT:  #1 length
DISCLAIMER: So wish they were mine but they're not so I can't make any money but I can admire Joss, Mutant Enemy and Fox etc, from afar, very afar.
RATING: Erm Adult I suppose though only if you want it to be.
TIMELINE: Mainly pre-show, no spoilers.
SUMMARY: It's a drabble, about length and your mind can make of it what you will as Ducks said. Nothing happens.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask if you want such a paltry thing.
FEEDBACK: That would be very nice, first time I've done a drabble and I can only play the card once.

The mistakes are mine as I have no beta. Besides as an English teacher I like to think I know what I'm doing.

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Dirty Drabble Prompt #1! [Sep. 1st, 2007|03:09 pm]

[Tags|, , ]
[Current Location |Naughtytown]
[Current Mood | naughty]
[Current Music |The Vampire Lovers]

Please put all naughty drabbles behind a cut, just to be polite. :)

Remember, drabbles are 100 words!

Your prompt is: length

Use it however you like! *G*
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