Angel FanFiction - August 23rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Dark & Fallen

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August 23rd, 2007

Fic: Pain is so close to pleasure - Part 6 [Aug. 23rd, 2007|03:00 am]
[state of mind O_o' | sleepy]
[Muzak |Nightwish - Amaranth] part...yayyyyy!!! I managed to get it done even though I have a lil’ flu :S *victory dance* :P umm...and the link to other parts goes to my LJ(Livejournal) ...but I'll be posting the rest of the parts here too

Previous parts here

Heading: Pain is so close to pleasure Part 6/?
By: [info]finvampire 
Beta: Ash C.
Pairing: William (Spike)/Liam(Angel) Xander,Willow,Wesley,Anya,Buffy and Giles mentioned
Fandom: AtS
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, angst, SLASH,human AU
Disclaimer: I do not own characters of Angel, Spike Xander,Willow,Wesley,Anya,Buffy or Giles Credit goes to Joss Whedon and Co. Story concept is fully mine.
Summary: William gets a “brother” Liam , when his mom decides to invite her new boyfriend to live with them ;) and what’s funny is that William is gay, but his mom doesn’t know that ...and William just found out it himself a while ago, and even worse Liam isn’t gay (or that’s what he says).....
A/N: Just had this idea in my head for a long to try and put it on “Paper” ;)
Warnings: angst, SLASH, M/M sex, strong language, involuntary sex,violence
Feedback: pretty please *flutters eyelashes*

Part 6 )
link1 tasted|taste the sin...

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