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Jan. 6th, 2009


Angeal's apple puff pancake

"What are you doing?" Genesis asked, sniffing cautiously at the air. Though not unpleasant -- far from it, actually -- it was still a little disconcerting to come home and find his apartment smelling like a bakery.

Angeal smiled and checked something in the oven, then turned his attention to the stovetop. "You've got a decent kitchen, it's a shame it never gets any use."

"I," Genesis stated with distinct emphasis while stripping off his coat, "don't cook. I didn't think you did, either..." He trailed off, remembering a chunky young boy helping his mom in the kitchen.

As if reading his mind, Angeal said, "My mother taught me how to feed myself. It's a useful thing to know."

Genesis tossed his coat over a chair, then feigned disinterest as he strode casually into the kitchen. "So...what are you making, then?"

Angeal grinned and opened the oven to remove...a thing. A big, poofy, breadlike thing that smelled and rather looked like a giant popover. He set it on the counter, where it began to gracefully deflate, leaving a high ridge of crust around the edges.

Then he took the lid off the skillet on the stovetop.

The scent of apples and butter and cinnamon nearly dropped Genesis to his knees. "Goddess! Those are --"

Angeal leaned in until their noses almost touched. "Banora white," he whispered across the other man's lips.

"Those are hideously expensive to import," Genesis murmured, draping his arms over Angeal's broad shoulders.

"You're worth it."

ETA - recipe adapted from "Land O' Lakes Treasury of Country Heritage Meals & Menus."

Jun. 5th, 2008


Chief Galen Tyrol's Gemenon Brown Sugar Buns

The Chief's Gemenon Brown Sugar Buns

Mom wasn't much of a baker and neither was dad--for a couple of mystics, they didn't have much faith or patience, at least when it came to watching dough rise. I get it from somewhere, ha. I'm convinced dad sometimes promised he'd make this bread just to make sure I'd go to sleep waiting out the overnight part.

Since most of the sugar these days is going toward the stims and the stills, it's probably not possible to make them the way they're supposed to be done on Gemenon. I'm probably missing some spices or something. If we ever find nutmeg again, that might be one of the missing ones. But I got enough sugar to make a batch of these for Cally and Nicky right after he started eating solid food, and bribed someone for a packet of yeast and an oven. And it turned out okay, even though Cally started crying.

ingredients and procedure )


May. 31st, 2008


The emperor's breakfast: Peony's favorite banana-coconut bread (or muffins)

When Peony IX first took up residence in the palace in Grand Chokmah, the head chef inquired after his taste in food; it wouldn't do, of course, to displease a new emperor. Peony thought about it for a few seconds and then said, "Something tropical -- and no rappig," before utterly refusing to elaborate further.

The rappig part is easy enough to understand, given his majesty's taste in pets, but there was a good deal of speculation among the palace staff over whether his majesty was happy to be free of the frozen north of his youth, or if food from home would have brought back too many painful memories.

In any case, the chef produced this recipe to serve at breakfast, with spiced tea.

banana-coconut bread -- or muffins )

May. 29th, 2008


FMA: Lust's Sinful French Toast

Sent to me by an old acquaintance, I must admit, I have never made these per the actual recipe. I've ony made a modified form, with a great deal less sugar and butter, fewer eggs, and the cream to milk ratio reversed. But they were still damn good even so, and I can only imagine what the actual recipe tastes like.

Homunculi have no need to eat (food), but this is exactly what Lust would prepare if given the chance. Gluttony, of course, loved it (and her for it). And, yes, I know there is no France.

Sinful French Toast )

Praline Topping )