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[Dec. 18th, 2013|11:27 pm]

“I’m pretty sure his favorite word is ‘boundaries,’” Genma said. “Not that that’s any bad thing. He gave me the ‘family names out of mask, mask names in them’ talk the first day we met, and I know we repeated it for the team at orientation.” He shrugged. “That’s ANBU policy, anyway. Some captains allow personal names between team members after they’ve been together a while, but it usually happens organically.”

“Some captains allow—” Ryouma started, sounding outraged. He choked himself off half way, giving Genma a dark look. “I’ll work on it,” he said stiffly.

“You didn’t think being ‘the baby killers’ let us off the hook on protocol, did you?” Genma asked, amused. “If anything, I think there’s more bureaucracy and formal decorum in ANBU than in the regular ranks. At least in terms of rules and regulations.”

Ryouma sighed. “Yeah, I'd noticed. Surprised you're even allowed to go to lunch with me, lieutenant. This doesn't count as fraternization?”

“Only if we hold hands,” Genma said. “Or worse, but that’s not a line I intend to cross, don’t worry.” Ryouma was certainly an attractive man—under different circumstances, it could have happened. But even then, he wasn’t so sure Ryouma was really his type. Too… temperamental.

“Lunch should be fine,” he continued. “Teammates are allowed to hang out together and even like each other. Just not like each other.”

“Glad to hear my manly virtue is safe with you,” Ryouma muttered, looking downcast.

Genma blinked. Had he actually hurt Ryouma’s feelings? He was still trying to figure out how to say, ‘no, really, you’re very good looking’ without it sounding completely patronizing, when Ryouma broke stride.

“Wait. All teammates? The captain just said officers and agents.”

That was interesting. If Genma had to put money on it, he’d guess Ryouma was talking about Kakashi and not Katsuko. He knew Ryouma liked men, given the whole Raidou situation.

“The rules forbid sexual liaisons between officers and subordinates,” Genma said. “They merely discourage relationships between peers.” He glanced at Ryouma, trying to gauge his shifting mood. “And they pretty much overlook it if you’re on two different teams, as long as you’re of equal seniority.”

Ryouma lifted his chin like he was accepting a challenge. “All right, that gives me a hundred or so possibilities. Not bad. Bet I can do it in a year.” He sounded deadly earnest.

“All of them?” Genma asked. “You’re going to have a hard time with the straight guys and the lesbians. Probably take more than a year if you want to keep it consensual.”

“We’ll do a threesome,” Ryouma said amiably. “I can enlist Ayane.”

And Ayane was… Genma thought furiously. “Rookie swordswoman on Hajime’s team? She’s flexible? Nice. Tactical and creative solution to the problem. Good thinking, Tousaki.”

It was actually kind of fun, evading and deflecting Ryouma’s attempts to wind him up. Like sparring without the bruises.

Ryouma gave him a smug look. “I'm bringing all sorts of advantages to your team,” he said, then spoiled his own brag. “Actually, I think Ayane's straight. Or straight-ish. But you said Katsuko's off-limits and I don't know many of the other ladies in ANBU.” He looked thoughtfully into the middle distance. “Guess I could make that the first job to do…”

“You do realize they’re all trained assassins who will probably object to being called ‘ladies’ like that, right?” Genma asked.

“Huh. You think?” Ruyouma frowned slightly in contemplation. “Guess I always figured when you and she both know she can break your neck with two fingers, it doesn't hurt to be polite.” His trademark crooked grin returned, lighting his face like a tiny sunburst of charm. “Hitomi-sensei spent long enough beating manners into me, I try to use 'em. Occasionally.”
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