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As Shadows Grow Long [Nov. 1st, 2013|11:54 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2013-11-02 03:45 am (UTC)


“Oh.” Katsuko contemplated this. “Ohhh. That’s— yeah.” She gave Raidou a sympathetic look. “Well, Ryouma’s hot. And flexible. So at least it was worth it, right?”

Raidou propped his elbow on the table and rubbed at his mouth as he studied her, struggling with his moral compass. Then he dropped his hand and admitted, "Yes. But it was months ago, before he joined ANBU."

Katsuko nodded. “I’m not worried about it messing with the team. I trust you both. Would have said something about it to you, otherwise.”

"Oh," Raidou said blankly. After a moment, he smiled at her. “Thank you.”

Katsuko smiled back, and then realized they were going to have a Moment unless she took preventative measures. She cleared her throat. “Hey, so about the choking.”

He turned back to his food. "I'm not giving you details."

“Fair enough,” Katsuko said, because there were many things she didn’t need to know and what Raidou liked in bed was definitely one of them. It would have been nice to find out more about Ryouma, though. For all Ryouma’s charm and handsome smile, he could be a frustrating enigma. “You guys were pretty subtle, though. The ‘oh crap I boned him’ face is just easy to recognize on anyone.”

"Oh really?" Raidou said. "Who'd you bone?"

She sparkled innocently at him. “I’m not giving you details.”

He snorted. "Probably for the best." He uncapped his soda and took a swig, and then said, thoughtfully, "I'm surprised you didn't say anything sooner."

“Wasn’t about to go blabbing in front of the team.” Katsuko shrugged. “Maybe I was just waiting for the right moment to make you breathe in noodles.”

“Well timed,” Raidou said, dryly.

“I’m amazing that way,” Katsuko said, digging out the egg rolls. “Modest, too. You should feel lucky I grace you with my presence.”

"I'm definitely feeling something," Raidou said, and thumped his chest again. "Heartburn, maybe."

Katsuko pointed an egg roll at him. “Heartburn of gratitude, old man.”

Raidou snorted again and turned back to his udon. Silence settled over the room again for a moment as Katsuko stuffed half an egg roll into her mouth.

Then Raidou spoke. “Hey, Katsuko?”

He almost never used her given name. Katsuko looked up warily, still chewing.

“What’s going on with you?”