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As Shadows Grow Long [Nov. 1st, 2013|11:54 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2013-11-02 03:26 am (UTC)


The hospital was calm and orderly, as usual. They bypassed the lobby and headed straight to the triage desk, where Raidou identified himself as an ANBU captain, and Genma as their medic. The triage medic—a chuunin Genma didn’t know—immediately decided Genma was the person to talk to. He filled her in on their injuries and the treatments he’d provided, while she took temperatures and blood pressures.

When she’d recorded their vitals, she peered closely at Raidou’s burned face, then had him remove his shirt. Careful gloved fingers peeled back the bandages taped over his shoulders, and probed the healing burns and bruises, and the red lines where Genma had closed deep slashes.

"His legs were lacerated, too," Genma told her, "Both posterior thighs. I did a similar depth of healing on them, and the bruising wasn’t as severe."

"How painful are your injuries?" she asked Raidou. "Scale of one to ten?"

"Four?" Raidou said. "When I move around a lot."

The medic shrugged. "Not bad for field treatment," she said. "Kimura-sensei can take a look and determine the next steps." She sent Raidou off with a nurse to get changed and treated.

Katsuko was next. The medic palpated Katsuko’s shoulder, putting her through several range-of-motion and sensation tests, all the while glaring at the unpretty healing Genma had done on the demon bite on her shoulder. "We’ll have Hyuuga-sensei check you out," she started, but the medic in charge of emergency services, Nakamura-sensei, stepped into the triage booth and cut her off.

Katsuko looked up with a sheepish shrug.

"Ueno-kun," Nakamura-sensei said. "Nice to see you, though I wish it were under more pleasant circumstances, as always." He smiled. "We’ll get you patched right up. She’s an S-9," he added, which got a slight widening of the eyes from the triage medic. "Send her to Ryouri-sensei."

"Are you—?" Genma started.

"It’s okay," Katsuko told him. "They always send me to Ryouri-sensei."

Undoubtedly because of whatever violence had been done to her chakra system at the hands of enemy medics when she was younger. It was amazing she could be so calm now—maybe she was used to it.

"And Shiranui-kun," Nakamura-sensei said, as a nurse escorted Katsuko into the ward. "Still enjoying life as a field medic?"

"I am," Genma said.

"Best of both worlds: you get to cut Konoha’s enemies into pieces, and put your comrades back together," Nakamura said. "If I were a younger man…" He paused, catching sight of the notes the triage medic had scribbled down. "Wait, you’re injured, too? I thought you looked a little wan, but I assumed it was just fatigue."

Genma shrugged. "It was a bit of a rough mission."

"So I see," Nakamura said. "Shirt off, please, Shiranui-kun." He gestured at the triage medic, who helped Genma get the shirt over his head, and started unwinding bandages from his shoulders and torso. The slash on Genma’s belly extended below the waist of his pants, but Nakamura was already giving Genma a disapproving look with the wound only half-exposed.

"This is deep. Who stitched this?"

"A civilian doctor in a rural village," Genma said.

"And your shoulders?"

"Same," Genma said. "I wasn’t really able to do a lot of self-healing. My team wasn’t in great shape and I was caring for a civilian in critical condition as well. Ehime Hisa-san. Do you know anything about her? We brought her in about six hours ago."

"I’ll find out for you," Nakamura said. He pressed on the wound the demon's stinger had made—it felt like he’d shoved a scalpel in it. A trickle of warm liquid ran down Genma’s back.

Genma went stone still, sucking a breath through clenched teeth.

"What are these, teeth marks?" Nakamura said. "Bed sixteen. Let’s get him in a gown. I want to clean this puncture wound and get a better look at that belly wound."

"You probably ought to run a liver and kidney panel on me, too. I was poisoned and had to use the tsuyoi kaen technique for about twelve hours," Genma said.

Nakamura gave him a long, steady look. "How bad, exactly, was your mission?"

“Eh,” Genma said. "Maybe a little worse than average. Not that bad."

"Forget what I said about wanting back in the field. I like hospital work just fine," Nakamura said.