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[Oct. 19th, 2013|04:06 am]

"You could cut your hair, you know," Ryouma said mildly, but Naruto was already boiling off the bed and war-dancing around Kakashi's knees.

"What'd you bring?" he demanded, as if he hadn't just eaten half the contents of Ryouma's cupboard. "Is that for me? Have you seen this movie? It's got swords and a hermit like Jiraiya-ojiisan and everybody's dead and the girl's eyes got cut like yours--I'll find chopsticks, let's eat!" He skidded into the kitchenette and began enthusiastically banging through all three of the drawers.

Ryouma levered himself up to pause the film. "I take it his caretakers aren't mounting an assault to recover him?"

Kakashi's right eye curved in a way that looked just slightly like murder. "My clone dissuaded them. I'll watch Naruto-kun until I can figure something better out."

"Yes!" Naruto cheered. He'd found chopsticks, which he tried to twirl like a kunai and promptly dropped all over the floor.

The murder washed out of Kakashi's eye. He crossed the floor bare-footed and crouched down by Naruto to show him the stack of sealed plastic containers. "One of these is for Tousaki-san. Which one do you think he should have?"

"Oh," Naruto said, hopping from foot to foot in an agony of indecision. He dropped into a crouch to inspect the dishes, then bolted up again and spun around. "I don't know," he wailed. Kakashi put out a hand to stop him before he smacked into the cabinet. Naruto wobbled, recovered, and fixed his startlingly blue eyes on Ryouma. "You like pork," he accused.

"Uh," Ryouma said. "I like pretty much anything that isn't still moving. I'll take whatever's left over."

"No," Naruto said, in tones that threatened tears or tantrums at any moment. "The guest always gets the best—"

He broke off, eyes widening. "Kakashi-niisan," he said. "Kakashi-niisan." He darted to Kakashi's side, cupped his hand around Kakashi's ear, and whispered very loudly, "This is Tousaki-san's room. So am I the guest?"

"You're an interloper," Kakashi said. "We both are. And Tousaki-san is recovering, so he needs…?" He trailed off invitingly.

"Healthy food!" Naruto finished, brightening. He crouched over the dishes again, squinting to see through the fogged plastic lids, and then picked one out and came trotting over to hand it to Ryouma, along with a mismatched pair of chopsticks and a scavenged spoon. "Beef curry rice!" he said proudly. "It has vegetables. An' it's not fried like the katsudon. What're you recovering from?"

"Soldier pill overdose and chakra exhaustion," Ryouma said, with a wary glance at Kakashi. That wasn't classified, was it? "Then I got sick from something I breathed. I'm mostly better now. I slept about three days in a row. Kakashi helped look after me," he added, just to see the line of Kakashi's mouth thin beneath the mask.

"Niisan's good at looking after people," Naruto announced. He looked around for a table, saw none, and plopped down cross-legged on the floor to pry the lid off his own bowl of katsudon. "Itadakimasu!"

Kakashi took the last container, which smelled like chicken donburi, and settled down next to the boy. "I don't look after you," he said, jostling an elbow into the tiny boastful ribs. "I just point you away from soft targets, like people." He pointed a chopstick at Ryouma. "And stop making it sound like I bathed your brow under a field of moonlight."

"You did bathe me," Ryouma said, amused.

Too late, he remembered the small boy staring avidly up at them. He choked on a bite of potato. "I mean, in a very comradely and efficient way. No moonlight involved."

"Sometimes niisan takes baths with me," Naruto said, blue eyes narrowing. "He makes me water dragons."

"Ah," Ryouma said, intelligently. "Does he? He must like you a lot more than he likes me."

Naruto's ruffled hackles eased. "He does," he said placidly, and offered Kakashi some of his katsudon.
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