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[Oct. 19th, 2013|03:58 am]

"Now?" Ryouma said, taken aback.

"Kakashi-niisan said you made people-puddles."

Niisan, Ryouma noted. Older brother. And Kakashi was holding the kid with the ease of long familiarity, lean hip cocked out a little to give the boy a perch, one strong arm bracing the kid's back. He looked a little wary, the black cloth mask dimpling over his mouth as if he were biting the corner of his lip, but he explained, "From enemies, Naruto-kun. Also sometimes dead pigs. But not random people in the street."

"Awww," Naruto said, disappointed, and drooped over Kakashi's shoulder again. Then he straightened suddenly, and wriggled. "Put me down, niisan!"

Kakashi dropped him. Naruto hit the ground in a childish approximation of a ninja crouch, slapping his palm on the pavement, and yelped. But he gathered himself up in one piece, no blood, and hopped on one foot for a moment to adjust a sandal that had nearly come off while his legs dangled. Then he marched up to Ryouma, kicked him squarely in the shin, spun, and scrambled up Kakashi like a squirrel.

Ryouma's uniform leg-bindings absorbed most of the blow, but the kid had promise. "Ouch," he said mildly. "What was that for?"

Naruto bared his teeth like a wild thing. "For punchin' Kakashi-niisan."

"I thought we'd decided that you don't kick people who can melt you into slush," Kakashi said, tipping his head to look at the boy with his good eye. "Now I really am going to have to dress you in a bucket."

Naruto squeaked and clung closer. Kakashi's eye crinkled. "That was a good shot, though. We should work on your follow-through."

"I thought I recognized your subtle influence," Ryouma said. "You didn't commission that act of vengeance? 'Cause I think you need to pay him if you did. That was at least an A-rank."

The little boy's eyes brightened. He swelled up, looking to Kakashi, but Kakashi said only, "It was a kick, and it needs work." The wild grey head tipped towards the barracks. "Come on, Tousaki. Before a strong breeze blows you down."

Naruto squirmed around to look over Kakashi's shoulder as they passed through the locked, reinforced door and into the stairwell. "D'you like frogs?"

"Don't mind 'em," Ryouma said. He grinned at the boy. "Good eating on frogs."

"No," Naruto said. "You can't eat them! Gamabunta will be mad. Bunta says— No, wait." The tiny brow furrowed. "That's toads. Maybe you can eat frogs. Niisan," he demanded, twisting around again, "are frogs toads?"

"They're different," Kakashi said, opening the door to the second floor. "You can eat frogs that aren't bright colors. Most toads are poisonous."

"Right," Naruto said wisely. He wriggled to look back at Ryouma. "D'you have a summons?"

"Nope," Ryouma said. "Do you?"

"I will," Naruto said, puffing up. "Dad's got toads and Kakashi's got dogs. I'm going to be the Toad-Dog King."

"Not if you keep pulling their ears," Kakashi said, giving Naruto's own ear a tug. He stopped at the end of the hall, in front of Ryouma's door, and glanced over. "Got it from here?"

"Yeah," Ryouma said, digging his key out. He hesitated with his hand on the knob. "Hey—thanks."

"For what?" Naruto demanded, looking between the two of them. A thread of awe entered his voice. "Did you kill all the bad guys, niisan?"

"We won," Kakashi said simply. He dropped a hand on Naruto's head, smoothed the blond spikes down. "Tousaki-san finished the fight, actually. He did well." He nodded once at Ryouma, as if the praise were nothing at all, and turned to go.

Naruto slid right out of his arms and through the narrow gap of Ryouma's partly opened door. "Hey!" he said brightly, toeing off his sandals and looking around. "Kakashi-niisan, he's got a TV!"
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