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Suffering Fools [Sep. 24th, 2013|07:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2013-09-24 10:06 pm (UTC)


“Mayor-san,” the medic said, without looking up. “The ANBU have brought back Fujiyama-san and the Ehime’s girl.”

“Hisa?” said Kodu.

“You should tell her family,” said the medic. “But prepare them for bad news. Both are infected with some kind of—” She hesitated, then settled on, “Creature.”

“Oh god,” said Kudo, in the voice of a man reaching his personal limit.

Genma managed to lift his head partway—which, hey, progress—before the medic pushed him back down. “I have medical jutsu. I’ll do what I can for them as soon as I’m able.”

The mayor bowed. “Thank you, ANBU-san,” he managed, and left.

Genma’s mask turned slightly towards Raidou. “Any word on getting a Hyuuga out here?”

“I sent for one. Probably won’t hear anything for a while,” Raidou said.

“Check the civilians,” Genma said. “Any changes? Maybe I can burn this out faster. Starting to get some feeling back.”

Raidou crossed to Genma’s bed and leaned over it. Quietly, he said, “If you raise your temperature one more degree, Tanuki-san, I will drop you down the village well. You’re improving. Don’t push it.”

Genma’s chin lifted slightly. “Acknowledged,” he said, after a moment. Then, “Actually, I probably need some water. Also, did you eat? You and Hound… how are you doing?”

For a man as laid back as Genma, he had an amazing ability to fuss.

On his back.

While being sutured.

“No change in the civilians,” Kakashi said from behind Raidou.

“Hound and I are both fine,” Raidou said. They were both upright, anyway, which would do for now. He pulled his canteen out and tipped the tanuki mask up enough to trickle water carefully into Genma’s mouth. Then took a long swallow himself and tossed the canteen to Kakashi, who caught it. “Working on food,” he told Genma. “Think you could eat?”

Genma’s throat clicked as he gave an experimental swallow. “I don’t know. Don't want to risk choking, and I'm feeling a little queasy. Maybe broth.”

For a brief, tired moment, Raidou’s mind went blank. He didn’t have broth. Where could they get—


He went to the door, opened it, and picked out the first civilian face that wasn’t weeping or clustered around the harassed mayor. “Hey, excuse me, ma’am?”

The woman turned, eyebrows flicking up. “ANBU-san?”

“Any chance you cook?”

The woman gave a highly wary nod.

“I don’t suppose you have enough soup for, say, seven people? Or the ability to get it?” He fumbled into a belt pouch. “I could pay you.”

The woman went from puzzled to offended in the edge of a second, which was probably a personal best. Her back snapped straight and she said sharply, “I don’t require payment from Konoha. I’ll be back shortly.”

She grabbed a teenage boy, presumably her son, by the ear and towed him out of the crowd.

“Thank you?” said Raidou, and ducked back into the room before anyone pigeonholed him with questions. He went back to Genma. “Broth theoretically achieved. Need anything else?”