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[Sep. 24th, 2013|10:26 pm]

“Nagging the captain’s my job,” Genma said.

“Why does it have to be anyone’s job?” Raidou asked the room at large. He pulled his shirt off over his head—a clean-looking ANBU uniform top. Did he have an unlimited supply of spares?—and sat on the edge of Genma’s bed.

Genma put everything he had into trying to sit up, and managed to arch his back and inchworm his way up slightly.

Namura made a disapproving noise, tucked an extra pillow under Genma, and peered at Raidou’s back. The massive cuts Genma’d healed before were still mostly closed, but a few had re-opened, and there was a lot of purple bruising just under Raidou’s scarred skin. Fresh cuts crossed over the slightly older ones, and acid burns spattered his forearms and shoulders.

“I’d ask what did this, but I doubt I’ll get an honest answer from you,” Namura said. “Are these chemical burns? I’ll have to get some salve for that. I saved some from the war years. Stay here.”

She crossed the room and started opening cupboards, presumably looking for her burn ointment, while Daisuke cleaned and bandaged the cuts and bites Kakashi had accumulated fighting the demons, and smeared bruise balm over Kakashi’s black-blotched ribs.

“How are your eyes, taichou?” Genma asked.

Raidou reached up as if to touch his face, got the edge of his henge’d mask, which wisped away at the edge like Ryouma’s had, and dropped his hand. “Still working. How’s your… everything?”

“I’m really starting to feel like crap, which I take as a good sign,” Genma said. “Seeing as I couldn’t feel much of anything for a while. I can shrug my shoulders now.” He did so, to demonstrate, and winced when it pulled his sutured belly. “Might have to drop this fever soon, though. Don’t want to give myself kidney failure.”

Raidou’s shoulder twitched.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t yet,” Genma said.

Namura came back over with a small glass pot of green ointment before Raidou could say anything. “I take it your face is burned, too, ANBU-san?” she said. “I’ll apply this to your shoulders and arms, and leave you to manage your face yourself. Unless you’ll allow me to evaluate it.”

“Not unless pieces start falling off,” Raidou told her pleasantly. He spread his arms wide. “Feel free to baste everything else, though.”
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