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Into the Breach [Sep. 13th, 2013|10:38 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2013-09-14 12:57 am (UTC)


They covered a little more than half the distance to Isegawa in eight hours, alternating between a walk and a jog most of the way, except when Raidou got antsy and pushed them to run flat out for a few miles. Genma supposed the sprints weren’t a terrible idea. Kept the rookies in line and focused, anyway, since Ryouma and Kakashi took them as opportunities to try to outdo one another. And it seemed to take the edge off Katsuko’s high-fire chakra and running litany of ‘interesting facts’ and random observations if she ran herself breathless for a few miles.

By the time Raidou called a halt for the day, the sun had sunk below the western horizon leaving a dull mauve tint on scattered clouds, and the air had turned chilly and damp. Here in northwestern Fire country the landscape was starting to change, with rolling hills rising steadily, and the thick forests that filled the central part of the country giving way to sparser growth. Ryouma pointed towards a cluster of intermingled maples and oaks that occupied a dip in the terrain. Raidou nodded, and started heading towards them.

“Look like a decent campsite?” Genma said, catching up to the two of them. Katsuko and Kakashi followed. “We should be pretty close to the Kiriniji springs here.”

Katsuko muttered something that sounded like, “Naked bathing.”

“Not that kind of springs,” Genma told her. “But if you like ice baths, I won’t stand in your way.”

“Freezing cold is good for the circulation,” Katsuko informed him. He doubted she could cite anything like a reputable source on that opinion.

Ryouma slowed from his long-legged lope to an easy walk. “There's a spring in the trees here, if I'm remembering right. Feeds a stream—not big enough for bathing, sorry, Katsuko; you'll have to put up with our stink another day or two—and what’s left of a shrine. We had a supply base here seven or eight years ago. Looks like the saplings are filling in again.”

He tipped his ram mask up, not enough to remove it or reveal his face, but sufficient to direct a little cooler air inside it. Genma had sympathy—it wasn’t easy to get used to ANBU’s masks.

Raidou studied the grove as they drew closer. “Site looks pretty good,” he said. “Hatake, Shiranui, you're both sensors—run a scout for leftover traps before we set up. Ueno, wood gathering. Don't strip a whole tree this time.”

“It wasn't the whole tree, captain,” Katsuko protested.

Raidou ignored her. “Tousaki, latrine trench, since you lost.”

“How'd you know I wasn't first to the locker room, taichou?” Ryouma said mildly. “Keeping an eye on us?”

“Educated guess,” Raidou said, dry as volcanic ash.

“It does take effort to look this good,” Ryouma agreed.