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Into the Breach [Sep. 13th, 2013|10:38 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2013-09-14 12:48 am (UTC)


“Very sorry for holding up your party, I’m sure,” Ryouma said. He flung himself onto the couch, stretching one muscled arm out along the back of it. “You’ve worked with the captain before, right? How about the lieutenant?”

“Namiashi was my lieutenant for a year under Ozawa-taichou,” Katsuko said. She ambled her way to the couch and poked at Ryouma’s legs until he shifted to make room for her. She dropped onto the cushions with a sigh. “I met Shiranui once before the teams were announced. Cherry-blossom viewing party. Never worked with him in-field before, though.”

Ryouma said judiciously, “He’s better at ninjutsu than taijutsu, from what I’ve seen in practice. Guess he and the captain’ll balance each other out.” He tipped his head against the back of the couch and stared up at the ceiling. “How’s Raidou in the field? As a leader, I mean.”

Katsuko’s eyebrows rose at the use of Raidou’s personal name. She tucked it away in the growing mental file of things she’d wanted to ask Raidou since the first team meeting. “Namiashi,” she started, and paused to reorganize her thoughts. “Namiashi’s fair. He takes his responsibility to his team seriously. He never dismisses you out-of-hand, and he pays attention to everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. If he wants you to do something, it’s because he knows you’re the best for the job. He puts the team above himself.” She shrugged. “He’s got integrity. I trust him.”

Kakashi in his corner was conspicuously silent in that way that meant he was listening to you rather than pretending you didn’t exist.

Ryouma was watching her attentively, dark eyes thoughtful. He nodded. “That’s about what I’d been thinking. Glad to hear it confirmed.” He switched subjects with a complete lack of subtlety. “So what’s the worst captain you ever had? I had one, back in the war, looted a sake shop and spent the next week drunk off his feet and tryin’ to get into some chuunin kunoichi’s pants. Still don’t know if Stone got him or if she did.”

Katsuko snorted. “I’d put my bet on the kunoichi. I had a Hyuuga captain during a mission in Wind Country who sent me out in the middle of a sandstorm. Tried to leave me and another chuunin behind when the mission went south.”

“My jounin-sensei was a Hyuuga,” Ryouma said. “Wouldn’t put it past some of her family members. What’d you do?”

She smirked. “The other chuunin was an Inuzuka. We waited for the storm to die down, then he and his dog tracked the rest of the team to a border town. Should have seen the look on that Hyuuga’s face when we walked in with the target trussed up between us like a present.”

Ryouma was grinning appreciatively. “Oh, I can imagine. ‘Forget something, taichou?’”

Katsuko gave a happy sigh. “It got even better when he tried to ream us out for ‘disobeying orders’ and the Inuzuka’s dog bit him.” She craned her head around until she caught Kakashi’s eye and grinned. “What about you, Hatake? Got any stories to share?”

“Of terrible leaders?” Kakashi asked, expressionless.

“No,” Katsuko said, still grinning. “Of Inuzuka biting you on the ass.”