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Take the Mask [Jul. 24th, 2013|10:14 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2013-07-25 06:25 am (UTC)


“Realizing it’s three a.m. and you don’t know how glitter is made does not count,” Raidou said, looking at Katsuko. “Or deciding you need to hunt stoats for unknown purposes. Or because you can feel your hair growing and it worries you.”

“In fairness, I was drugged that time,” Katsuko said.

“Right,” Raidou said, remembering. “I take it back. That one counted.”

“If you can feel your hair growing and it worries you, the medic office is staffed around the clock,” Genma said, sounding faintly alarmed. “Go there.”

Kakashi raised a hand. “What’s the resource for someone wishing to switch teams?”

Raidou was honestly surprised it had taken him this long to ask. “There’s no switching. If you have a problem with your teammates, you come to me. If you have a problem with me, there are higher channels you can go through. I’d suggest making sure it’s an actual problem first, though.”

Katsuko chuckled, soft and just faintly evil. Kakashi stepped away from her.

“I think that’s it,” Raidou said. “Any questions? Comments?”

Blank silence greeted him. Despite the mid-morning hour, both Ryouma and Kakashi were starting to look a little weary around the edges. Katsuko looked like she wanted to say something, but held her tongue.

“Then welcome to Team Six, and consider yourselves initiated.”

Genma straightened out of his slouch and tapped his hand to his shoulder, over the crimson tattoo. “Captain,” he said.

Surprised but grateful, Raidou nodded at him.

Katsuko unfolded next, pulling herself out of the depths of the couch, and smiled when she saluted. She was his one familiar anchor in this sea of change, lean and loyal in her magpie uniform. “Taichou,” she said, like she was proud of him.

Ryouma hesitated, then stood in an easy stretch of tall muscle, looking every inch the bright young soldier. He saluted with his bandaged hand. “Sir.”

Kakashi weighed Raidou for a silent moment, grey eye level and implacable, then he dropped his gaze and tapped his shoulder, and said nothing.

Well, it was a start.

“This is a beautiful moment,” Raidou said, with a crooked grin. “Now clear out before I give you tasks.”