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Take the Mask [Jul. 24th, 2013|10:14 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2013-07-25 06:25 am (UTC)


Raidou swallowed an odd bite of disappointment. It was good that Genma was learning her cues, and that she was letting him. It couldn’t always be Raidou’s job.

And yet.

“We’ll train like normal,” he said. “Fighting with your off-hand is good practice. In fact, we should do a bit of cripple’s run this week—come with a handicap in mind, and we’ll train around it.”

Kakashi rose to his feet. “You mean, other than my blind side, Ueno’s chakra, and Tousaki’s personality?”

“Screw you,” said Ryouma amiably. “Katsuko’s chakra is awesome.”

“Enough,” said Raidou. “Hatake, consider blindness for your disadvantage. You can practice relying on your teammates. Tousaki, you can show me how you’d work supply lines without being able to read the logs. Ueno—”

“Small jutsu?” Katsuko said, with a sigh.

“Small jutsu,” Raidou said. “Henge, maybe.”

“Also, you need to learn these,” Genma said, and opened his filing cabinet of paperwork and mysteries, extracting two photocopied booklets that had been neatly bound in tough, weatherproof canvas. The field guide to ANBU’s specific hand-signs and trail-codes. He handed one each to Ryouma and Kakashi, then seemed realized at the same time Raidou did that the reading required was going to be a problem. “Ueno will drill you both. It’ll be good review for her.”

Katsuko’s yelp of outrage died, half-throttled, under the combined weight of Genma’s level look and Raidou’s raised eyebrows.

“Oh yay,” she said bleakly.

“You get the rookies to yourself,” Genma pointed out.

Katsuko brightened up.

“Hazing is still a no,” Genma added.

Katsuko’s brightness did not temper any. Kakashi gave her a look that, on any other man, would have been apprehensive. Ryouma just grinned, careless.

“If the Quartermaster gave you any weapons, feel free to bring them to tomorrow’s session,” Raidou said. “In the meantime, you’re free. Tousaki, Hatake, you should get yourselves settled in at the rookie dorms—the rooms are assigned, so they should be ready.”

Genma tossed two keys across with a faint smile. “You’ve got a corner room, Tousaki. Congrats.”

Ryouma’s grin broadened.

“We’ll meet tomorrow on Training Field 15,” Raidou said. “You know what time; don’t be late. Assuming Tousaki’s hand heals on schedule, we’ll be expecting our first mission in ten days, which is enough time to get into sync with each other—don’t say it, Ueno.”

Katsuko closed her mouth with a click.

“If you need me, I’m housed in the veteran’s wing. Shiranui rooms in the village—I think your housing situation is still in flux, right?”

Genma nodded once. “If you need either one of us and can't find us, the administration office can summon us, but only in a genuine emergency.”