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[Jul. 25th, 2013|05:52 am]

“Did you eat this morning?” Raidou asked Ryouma.

“Leftover curry rice and three cups of coffee, sir,” Ryouma said seriously.

Katsuko had vague memories of scarfing down a custard bun and a glass of water sometime between rolling out of bed and reporting to the Hokage’s Palace, but she decided not to volunteer the information. Raidou would only lecture her about protein intake again.

“We should make the rookies take us out to lunch after this,” she suggested instead. “As part of our super-secret hazing ritual.”

Ryouma’s painted ram mask tilted towards her. “I was just starting to look up to you, senpai,” he said, voice heavy with disappointment. “Don’t break my heart already.”

Katsuko cackled. “I’m not looking to break your heart, Tousaki. Just your wallet.”

“Not to interrupt this lovely banter,” Nanami said. “But I have a quota to hit and other things to do before lunchtime, so can the next victim get in the chair?”

Ryouma ducked his head deferentially and took the few steps from the counter to the tattoo chair. “Left shoulder,” he told Nanami, sliding into the seat. "No alcohol in the last day. No medical issues above the wrist.”

Nanami’s smile was a little alarming. “Good. You heard the spiel earlier—cut, ink, jutsu. Don't fight me. Tell me if you feel faint, for the love of god. And don't expect this to be like a regular tattoo, because it isn't. Any questions?"
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