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Heaven's Got a Plan For You [Jul. 24th, 2013|09:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2013-07-25 06:01 am (UTC)


“See you at 0500,” Genma said. He got a nod from Raidou as he closed the door, and then he was on his own in the ANBU barracks hallway. A tall man in dress-greys and an interrogator’s sweeping black coat turned the corner, presumably heading to his own apartment after a hard-day’s torturing. He nodded a greeting at Genma as they passed one another. Genma nodded back, only a little sorry that he hadn’t put his mask back on yet.

And that was unfair. The guy was probably perfectly nice. And it wasn’t like Genma had never resorted to coercion in the field when he needed cooperation from a captive. For that matter, being an assassin wasn’t exactly a career with an express ticket to the Pure Land at the end of it. But still.

How could Raidou stand to live here?

Although, given the roster of rookies, it was probably a good thing he was on hand to the rookie residences. Genma wondered if that was a factor in the Yondaime’s decision, actually. At least when it came to Kakashi.


Lots to think about. Tomorrow would tell what this team was really going to be like.